Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

Ok, the season is upon us.  And let’s be honest, the truth is that we are all going to blow our diets!  We are going to eat more than we should – more sugar, more alcohol, more refined, and more processed foods.  I don’t care what you do or don’t celebrate, it’s going to happen.  Not to mention the yearly winddown of outdoor activity, making us all frighteningly close to becoming coach potatoes!

This means that your oral and systemic pH is going to start trending more acidic, and your oral and systemic inflammation is going to increase.  Blood sugar is going to get more out of control and cholesterol is going to spike.  In other words, you’re going to gain weight, you’re going to slip closer to being diabetic, and you’re going to demineralize your teeth putting you at increased risk of forming cavities.  Need I go on?  Oh, and by the way, have you lost last year’s weight gain yet?

The Plan

So, what to do?  Are we all just doomed? Absolutely not!  All you need is a plan.  You know the saying – “Failing to plan is planning to fail”.  And if you just stumble through the holidays, then probably yes, you are doomed.  But what if you took a moment to look ahead and plan, or schedule, your “cheating days”?  Put them on the calendar, and then commit to maintaining your healthy lifestyle on all the other days?  This way, at least you’ll keep the damage down to a minimum.  And you could make it even easier by refusing to let the holidays be an excuse to sneak any of those favorite holiday snacks into your cupboards, snacks and treats that you know will just keep beckoning and tormenting you.  Keep it simple and make it easy!

But “minimum” damage is damage none the less.  So, here’s a bio-hack that I think you are really going to appreciate.  Not only can this hack reverse your holiday damage, but it just might even raise your health game to a whole new level.

The Hack

You know that corner cabinet we have in our office reception area?  Have you ever actually stopped to take a look at what’s in it?  On the middle shelf is a white box, surrounded by an assortment of bottles and packets, labeled PROLON.  Prolon is short for “promote longevity” and is a patented scientifically based 5-day nutrition program backed by over 25 years of research that is proven to –

  • Promote visceral fat loss while protecting muscle mass
  • Facilitate healthy blood sugar control
  • Reverse biologic age by anywhere from 2 to 10 years
  • Increase skin hydration by 25%, smoothing and reducing fine lines, enhancing overall appearance, radiance, and clarity.
  • For heart health, just 20 days is as effective as 120 days of the Mediterranean Diet
  • Activate natural cellular rejuvenation and metabolic balance

No, it’s not a license for reckless living.  But whether you’re looking for holiday cheer recovery, a way to jumpstart your healthful living journey, or just wanting to compensate for living, as we all do, with some level of environmental toxicity, I find this hack extremely exciting.  It’s easy, convenient, and costs about the same as most people would spend on food anyway.

Personally, I use this 5-day diet periodically throughout the year, not just for the holidays.  And it is even more effective when used in combination with an evidence-based lifestyle like I teach at

To check out the details, go to this website –  Then when you’re ready to order, if you will first go to and click on the Order Now button, you will not only be taking your health to the next level, but you will also be supporting our nonprofit – helping to provide dental care to someone who needs an extra leg up this holiday season.

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have!

Have a great Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year!