Many of you have been wondering what the deal is with that rinse we often have you use before treatment or prescribe after surgery or periodontal therapy.  The truth is that the contents of that blue bottle is much more than the sum of its parts.  Inside are millions of molecules called Redox Molecules.

 800% more powerful than conventional antioxidants, naturally occurring redox molecules have so captured the interest of the scientific community that there is now a whole association – the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine – and peer-reviewed journal – Redox Biology – dedicated to their study.

Although many aspects of a healthy lifestyle are known to promote and enhance redox pathways, redox supplementation has remained an elusive dream due to the extremely short (milliseconds) and fragile lifespan of redox molecules.  Elusive that is, until ASEA’s scientific breakthrough which allowed them to actually stabilize those molecules.  And thanks to that breakthrough we are now able to prescribe them for three main reasons.

  1. SELECTIVE ANTIMICROBIAL – The original research into ASEA Redox was aimed at the development of a presurgical antimicrobial as well as for AIDS therapy. The totally unique property discovered is that it selectively targets pathologic bacteria while leaving the healthy commensals alone!  This makes it extremely valuable in wholistic dental therapy where our ultimate goal is to restore biologic balance with minimal disruption to the essential oral and GI microbiome that conventional rinses and antibiotics totally destroy.
  2. ACCELERATED HEALING AND RECOVERY – The largest benefit though has to do with the effect that supplemental redox signaling molecules have at the cellular level where they aid and enhance the body’s natural repair and defense pathways. As a result, we are seeing less discomfort and faster healing when ASEA Redox is included in pre- and post-operative care.
  3. SYSTEMIC HEALTH ENHANCEMENT – This cellular redox signaling also has the potential to radically impact other areas of the body that may be suffering; “awakening your inner doctor” as Dr. Lee Ostler likes to say. Autoimmune disorders, blood sugar, blood pressure, inflammation, joint pain, GI issues are just some of the conditions in which our patients have experienced considerable improvements.  Even Olympic level athletes are now also enjoying enhanced athletic performance and recovery as a result of redox signaling supplementation.  It is these long-term benefits that prompt many patients to continue using ASEA Redox supplements long after their dental issues have been resolved.  Here is a short list of just some of the health benefits our patients and others have experienced.
  • Decreased gum bleeding and tenderness – i.e., enhanced periodontal health
  • Faster postsurgical healing and decreased discomfort
  • Improved blood sugar control
  • Decreased cholesterol
  • Decreased joint pain
  • Decreased EMF sensitivity
  • Increased energy and mental clarity
  • Improved GI/gut health
  • Decreased autoimmune dysfunction
  • Blood pressure normalization
  • Weight loss
  • More youthful skin health and tone

To be perfectly honest, on first impression this can sound more like a proverbial “snake-oil” than a legitimate therapeutic.  However, once you understand how central redox pathways are to the healthy function of each and every cell in our bodies, it is easy to see how restoring the healthy function of those pathways can potentially impact literally any cell or organ of the body.

Have questions about sleep apnea, wholistic healthcare, or redox supplementation?  Just give Laurie a call and she’ll get us set up with a time to talk.
